The following was taken from Dú
School :Bredagh Glen, Co. Donegal roll number 14635
Tomás Ó Catháin
In Inishowen (Donegal) parish of Culdaff about eighty yards from Falmore school there is a holy well called St. Ultan’s Well and locally also called “The Turus” St. Ultan is the patron saint of Culdaff.
People go with various complaints mostly children who do not learn to walk at the usual age. The time for visiting the well is any time at all but particularly on the first Monday of a quarter. Three consecutive visits (1st Monday) of quarters are required.
The child is to be taken and carried round the well. Another person can say the prayers or the child may be taken and another person say the prayers. The sick person if possible is to say the prayers but if he or she is not able any person will do.
The prayers and turus which begin at the well and go anti clockwise are five Our Father’s, five Hail Mary’s and five Gloria’s, ending at the well with the creed
St Ultan’s cross and well are situated in Leitrim townland. The date appears to be very uncertain. The cross is a rough flag with the sides knocked off to form a rude cross. Mr Nichleson the former landlord got a cross cut with St Ultan’s name and his own on it. It stands as a memorial of the spot. The real cross is held in veneration. The well is a little hollow in a rock near a waterfall. Children are taken there on certain days and certain prayers are said by some older person. Cures are recorded by people who have gone there.
St Ultan is supposed to have lived in the house beside the well (occupied by Mr Denis O’Doherty and his family). Otherwise there is no local tale as to the appearance date or characteristics of the holy man.